Events in North America have shown believers (and unbelievers) that it is time to pray. Two things begin to happen as believers answer the divine call to prayer. First, God’s people begin to returnto Him in revival. Second, the church begins to be reclaimed as ahouse of prayer for all the nations (see Mark 11:17). A Great Commission Prayer Ministry will provide a way for churches to become houses of prayer with a passion for lost people everywhere.
What is a Great Commission Prayer Ministry?
A Great Commission Prayer Ministry is a comprehensive prayer plan to assist congregations in their quest to be on mission with Christ throughlocal, national, and international prayer. The Great Commission will be acted upon and completed through the specific, fervent prayer of righteous men and women. Great Commission praying will help congregations develop and grow an overall plan of action in prayer. It will help churches to effectively pray for and share Jesus with every person in their sphere of influence.
Why a Great Commission Prayer Ministry?
It is very easy for a single prayer event to become the major prayer emphasis for the entire church. As that happens, prayer simply becomes another “thing” the church does and takes its place among all the other“ministries” of the church. Prayer then becomes peripheral instead of foundational. This pattern is not biblical. The biblical ideal is for prayer to be foundational to everything done in and through the church body (see Acts 1:14; 2:42; 4:31; 13:1-3).